Xanax- Brand name.

Alprazolam, ohh oops its “brand/consumer/marketing” name is Xanax, well thats only one form of its rebranding. Yes some of the Psychotropic meds have been rebranded 6 times, new name, new label, new claims, new invented disorder, new marketing campaign introduced on t.v. by big pharma, one more entry into the DSM. Thats how it works,…

Some Common Misconceptions with Cell Salts.

Dr WH Schuessler. He became fed up with the field of homeopathy and its 100’s of “remedies”. At the time he was a practicing homeopath. He did not agree with the system. He began his research into cells established from other scientists and doctors in fields of cellular pathology and histology and began his experiments.…

Treat Deficiencies Naturally at a Cellular Level.

Have your entire health history and existing concerns converted to the recommendations in Biochemistry to address and assist. Support the body in its natural healing processes. Addressing physical health and mental well being concerns by designing a personal natural mineral combination in homeopathic tablet form determined by review of your complete medical history. 100% safe…

Biochemistry. The Capping Stone. Built upon a large stable foundation.

The concept of biochemic cell salts, also known as tissue salts/minerals, was developed by Dr Wilhelm Heinrich Schuessler (1821-1898), a German physician, in the late 1800s.They are chemically pure salts, homogeneous(consisting of parts of the same) to the cell minerals in the human body, both physiologically and chemically. By the aid of Cell Salts, disturbed…