An Astrological Health Presentation.

~ The Original Inez Perry Wheelchart Explained/Use.~ Mineral Composition by Birthdate.~ Determining Deficient Minerals by Birthdate.~ 9 Month Gestation and Premature Births.Guaranteed that with this anyone can learn thouroughly.Begin on yourself and cross reference to your ownhealth history, then start on family friends and lovedones, or to enhance an existing practice. A 44 minuteprivate collection…

Natural Biochemic Health Charts.

The 12 inorganic minerals from rock, stone, dirt, earth. The 12 building blocks of all cells, human, animal, plant. Hello. Dr Schuessler’s Biochemic System of Healing. Anyone needing help with: ~ any health issues from sudden acute to longterm chronic conditions. ~ having your complete allopathic history of issues/medications reviewed and then cross referenced/converted to…