Lactose Intolerant , Hylands FAQ”s .

Hylands all 12 minerals in 1 tablet . BIO-XII .What if I am lactose intolerant or am sensitive to milk?

“All our tablets contain pure Lactose N.F. (National Formulary), which is without casein, whey or the other milk proteins which are usually the triggers in reactions to dairy products. Most people are able to use our products as the amount of this pure lactose is relatively small. If your physician has determined that you are specifically “Allergic to Lactose”, you should avoid our tablets. If you are very concerned, seek the advice of a licensed health care professional before using this product.” … from Hylands FAQ’S .

In the founders and other literatures it is mentioned to dilute the lactose based tablets in a pitcher or container of water and sip it throughout the day . Even at Hylands website themselves they state the same mindset .

What i would like to focus on here is lactose intolerant and lactose allergy , as their is a big difference . Its the allergy that can affect one pretty extreme as someone just told me and now they are being tested . Know this about yourself and as i ask , research this yourself , i state from texts and the chart , i give out the terminology completely . If you are not sure of a lactose issue then disregard the label dosage and start with ONE tablet , theres no rush , monitor internally how you feel , do not just start doing anything for that matter , because someone showed you ….. Know Thyself a bit first ……

There are products shown farther down the page for lactose free tablets and liquid drops and a 12 in 1 lactose free tablet form as well if needed . By Bestmade Natural Products , they are made with cane sugars , research , make it your choice , speak with a Dr , a Homeopath , a something , if you need to .

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